Developmental/Intensive Editing

Lisa Sowle Cahill’s Blessed are the Peacemakers (Fortress, 2019) started out as a second edition of her earlier book Love Your Enemies, the standard textbook outlining pacifist and just war approaches to the ethics of war and violence. With the author’s addition of new material related to moral dilemmas and peacebuilding, however, a comprehensive review of the text was required to trace and clarify the revised argument.

Gonna Trouble the Water (Pilgrim, 2021) arrived as a disparate collection of essays of varying styles, length, and quality, but I brought them together into a cohesive and consistent body of work, edited and acquired rights for numerous photos and infographics, and came up with the perfect title, no?

Timothy Gabrielli’s Confirmation (Liturgical Press, 2013) arrived as a master’s thesis in which some of the most interesting points were sequestered within otherwise bibliographical endnotes. After suggesting what soon became the title/subtitle, I called attention to the more interesting note material by promoting it to marginal textboxes throughout the main text.

The stakes were high on Andrea Tornielli and Giacomo Galeazzi’s This Economy Kills (Liturgical Press, 2015). Even though it was “just” a translation, it required diligent fact-checking and subsequent revision. I also suggested the red highlighting on the cover, though the end result is much more conservative (and, er, less punk) than I envisioned.

Copyediting/Line editing

Just a selection of the books I’ve copyedited. . . .